Fight a Virus the Gut-Friendly Way How to boost your immune system with nutrient-rich foods like bone broth, ginger, garlic, and citrus fruits. Hydrate well, get plenty of rest, and support your gut microbiome with probiotics and prebiotic-rich foods....
Unlock the power of good fats! Discover the best oils, debunk fat myths, and learn how to nourish your gut & boost your overall health with delicious, fat-fueled recipes....
Buddha Bowls: A customisable, healthy meal. Perfect for meal prep and on-the-go lunches. Packed with nutrients, fibre, and probiotics. Easy to make and delicious to eat....
Connect to Thrive: Prioritise social connection to improve gut health, reduce stress, boost mood, and enhance overall wellbeing...
Discover the benefits of incorporating healthy soups and stews into your diet. Learn how to choose the right ingredients and cooking methods to create nourishing meals that support your gut health and overall well-being....
Here I highlight the importance of vitamin D for menopausal women. I discuss the various benefits of vitamin D for menopause....
Struggling to find healthy food options when you're on the go? This post offers practical tips for making gut-friendly choices at restaurants and takeaways. Discover delicious and nutritious dishes like grilled fish, vegetable stir-fries, and quinoa bowls that will keep your stomach happy....
Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy Discover effective strategies to strengthen your immune system and protect yourself from illness. Learn about the importance of nutrition, exercise, stress management, and supplements. Boost your overall health and well-being with these practical tips....
Going through menopause and dealing with gut woes? Don't despair! Omega-3s, those amazing healthy fats, can be your secret weapon. Our new article dives into how omega-3s can: Soothe your gut: Say goodbye to inflammation and hello to a happier digestive system. Ease menopause symptoms....
This blog post explores how factors beyond diet influence your microbiome, the trillions of microbes living in and on you. It highlights the impact of environment, including social interactions, pets, spending time outdoors, and even stress levels....
This post explores how healthy fats like avocados and nuts can fuel a happy gut by aiding nutrient absorption, reducing inflammation, and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. It also highlights fats to avoid, like trans fats and excessive Omega-6s, and emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach...
Menopause & gut health? You bet! This blog explores protein sources that support both during this life stage. Discover gut-friendly options & dairy considerations for women in menopause....
This blog post explores the hidden war sugar wages on your gut and hormones. You'll learn how sugar disrupts the delicate balance of gut bacteria, impacting your mood, digestion, and hormone regulation. We'll also investigate whether artificial sweeteners offer a healthier alternative...
This blog post explores the connection between food and inflammation. It explains how chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems and how incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health....
This blog post argues that organic skincare is an essential part of a well-rounded self-care routine. It highlights the benefits of organic products, including avoiding harmful chemicals, promoting a healthy skin microbiome, and reducing inflammation....
This article explores how to create a kitchen that supports a healthy gut microbiome. It goes beyond simply stocking your pantry with the right ingredients....
Sure, yoghurt and kimchi are gut health staples, but what if you're not a fan? This post unveils 10 surprising heroes hiding in plain sight - delicious foods that can supercharge your gut health! From dark chocolate's prebiotic punch to the antioxidant power of red cabbage,...
Understanding how our amazing gut microbiome influences the systems in our body..........